'Born to bloom but fated to be nipped'
A flower in full bloom is beauty personified. Every bud appears with the potentiality to bloom to the fullest, to radiate all its beauty and fragrance. Yet so many get nipped at the bud, so many wither away. Have we ever stopped to ponder whether this loss, this wastage could be prevented? Wouldn't the world be so much more beautiful, had all the flowers blossomed?
Every time I look at a developmentally challenged child, this question keeps coming back to me. Can we just sit back and watch the bud get distorted and wither away?
For every 1000 otherwise healthy babies born, 3 are going to be spastic, with stiff limbs and difficulty in ambulation, 2-3 will develop autistic traits, mental developmental delay & retardation to some extent will be noted in 20-25 children, of whom 4% will have profound retardation, 7% will have moderate problem % rest 89% will have mild retardation. Another 30 children are expected to develop Hyperactivity Syndrome, which we call ADHD. Later, as they start going to school, 16-20 children will develop learning disability of some sort. So out of these 1000 delicate buds how many are going to bloom to their fullest? Quite a grim picture, isn't it?
Let us take a closer look at the problem and try to find out whether we have anything to improve the present scenario, and who is to shoulder the responsibility?
A developmentally challenged child may present in various ways, with various disabilities, of different degrees, associate with a wide spectrum of complicated neurological diseases, all arising from a multitude of aetiological (read causative) factors. Confusing, right? No, I'll not go into any further medical jargon. To put it simply, the gamut of the problem is immense, both in prevalence and severity. But the silver lining lies in the fact that severe problems and grave presentations, though difficult to diagnose and treat, are relatively much rarer. Conversely, the milder varieties of developmental delay and retardation are more commonly met with. They are caused, to an extent, by environmental factors, hence are somewhat remediable and reversible. Milder mental challenges are prevalent in the weaker section of society where nutrition, basic health care, environmental stimulation and education has a lot to do with their intellectual and cognitive stunting. These challenged kids create a greater burden to the already compromised living of these poor families. Developmental challenge;;; a torture for the child, a source of anxiety and burden to the family, a burden and negative resource to the society.
I'm sorry if I'm sounding too gloomy. No, the scenario should not be so grim if we take a little effort, for much of this problem is amenable to correction, provided we act EARLY! Detect early & intervene early to prevent the disability from becoming really disabling! Moreover, much of the challenges & disabilities can be overcome or circumvented to allow the child to function much more effectively and efficiently, utilizing all his potential.
This is exactly what we mean by the common medical term of 'Early Detection and Early Intervention.'
Now the question comes, how early and by whom? In other words, who is to shoulder the responsibility and when?
By early we mean as early as possible, preferably at birth. Why? A baby's brain develops most when he is in his mother's womb & the 1st few months of life. And coming out of that pleasant home called 'mothers womb' to this angry world & surviving here is a trial for the delicate baby. Any maladjustment here can have a bearing on the child's developing brain, giving rise in later life to a developmental challenge. These perinatal and early infancy assaults can leave tell-tale signs, which if identified in time, will give us a premonition that the child may develop a disability. Also, as the baby grows, he can show subtle signs of a developmental lag, which can be picked up by a searching eye. We tend to ignore these minor signs and put it off by saying," It'll be OK as he grows older"....only to admit the disaster when it stares back at us when he really grows older.And this 'we' includes the parents, grand-parents, care-givers, neighbours, even physicians!!! Blissful ignorance!
So, dear parents and grand parents, please consult a developmental pediatrician if your baby was born too early (preterm) on too small (LBW) or was very ill after birth, had to be kept in the NICU. Keep a vigilant watch on how he grows : does he smile, does he hold his head up, does he sit & stand, does he talk in time? Does he see & hear properly? Does he look into your eyes? Does he play the way other babies do? Any suspicion, don't wait, consult your doctor. Dear doctors, please acknowledge a delay or aberration when you note it and for Heaven's sake, do not pacify your client with a "Don't worry, it'll be OK" unless you're dead sure. If it's not your special domain, refer to a 'development' colleague.
Early detection calls for early Intervention. Some problem in the tiny brain cells is preventing the child from functioning normally. If these weaker areas of the brain can be given constant & proper stimulation, they will grow to the best of their potentiality. Moreover, neighbouring areas of the brain can lend a helping hand. Thus the child can learn to improve his skills to the best of his ability. He is also taught to circumvent his disabilities by using his other acumen to perform a particular act. Thus he adapts to life in a more effective & purposive way. All this takes time and patience, but the reward at the end of the day is really fulfilling. The wide smile on the mother's face and the confidence in the child's look will surely tell you that.
This early intervention is not a single dose therapy. It has to go on and on and on. It needs specialized team effort : a team of specialists including a developmental pediatrician, a developmental psychologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, ENT Specialist, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, who will work with the child at regular intervals, through play based interventions, but the pivot of the team remains the mother, who will effectively work with the child day in and day out. It is her perseverance, on which the final show depends! A confident and patient mother wins the race. We have many an example of such battle-winners.
Every challenged child who learns to live a purposeful life, who attains the best of his potentiality, is one more happy person on this earth, with one more happy and content family surrounding him. We thus lighten the burden of one family, the social burden by one unit.
What a divine pleasure to see that smile of fulfillment on the lips of that little 'different child' at the back!
So, though a deformed bud, it wont wither away. It will bloom and it's deviant beauty may surpass the normal flower!